Home > Studies > Psilocybin affects people who have migraines

Psilocybin affects people who have migraines

This is a study about how a substance called psilocybin affects people who have migraines (really bad headaches).

Some people think that psilocybin might help with migraines, but they haven’t done a lot of studies to prove it yet.

In this study, they gave psilocybin and a fake pill (called a placebo) to some people with migraines and then watched what happened. They found that after just one time taking psilocybin, the people’s migraines went away for longer than after they took the fake pill.

Psilocybin was also safe for the people who took it. The study showed that psilocybin might help with migraines, but more studies need to be done to find out for sure.

Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT03341689.