Home > Dan Widmaier about fashion made of mycelium

Dan Widmaier about fashion made of mycelium

Fashion is an integral part of human nature and while it may be in the midst of a sustainability crisis, it can be made sustainable. By finding and utilizing the best inventions from nature, such as spider silk and mycelium, scientists can create materials that are both functional and environmentally friendly.

While traditional materials like leather may be popular, their environmental impact cannot be ignored. By using materials with a similar microstructure as collagen in cowhide, it is possible to create a sustainable alternative like Mylo, made from mycelium.

Growing mycelium uses much less land than raising cows for leather and has a much smaller environmental impact. It is possible for fashion to be both expressive and sustainable.

Mycelium leather is priced at $30 a square foot, or 929 cm2

Mylo, a sustainable material made from mycelium, is commercially available and priced at around the same cost as premium calf leather. This demonstrates that it is possible for fashion to be both expressive and sustainable, using materials found in nature.

Mylo’s success is just one example in a larger movement towards a sustainable materials revolution, which will eventually lead to the replacement of harmful materials in various industries.